The Camel Café is open frequently for fun & games, fellowship, and food concessions. Enjoy our large flat screen TV or play pool, ping pong, darts or volleyball (in the summer). We have snacks and sodas for sale.
Meet your friends at the Camel Café and have a great clean-and-sober evening. See the Events page for Open Club and other events in the Café.
Guidelines for Using the Club Facility
- Service begins with a clean facility and is everyone’s responsibility.
- The use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances, in any form, on the premises, is prohibited.
- Individuals under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances are not to be on the premises. The exception would be someone who comes to the club for a meeting seeking help for a problem.
- Children under the age of 18 are to be supervised by a responsible adult.
- Gambling and soliciting are not permitted. Only board approved fundraisers are allowed.
- Meetings, activities, events are to be board approved.
- Positive conduct and good language are expected.
- Offensive clothing or excessive skin exposure are unacceptable.
- Our club’s kitchen is available for use by our groups and board approved functions. Keeping it clean and organized is part of your service work.
- Use of any of the club’s property or resources is to be board approved.
- The club is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen personal property.
- We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
Download the Guidelines document:
Guidelines for Using the Club Facility