Hayward Serenity Club

Our Mission Statement

To provide and maintain a facility for various 12 Step Recovery programs.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Double Trouble, Overeaters Anonymous

At the last Board of Directors meeting the wearing of masks was made optional.

The Serenity Club Board meets on the second Monday of the month at 6:15 PM. There is currently a link to the meeting on Zoom in the events calendar.

Alcoholics Anonymous groups are meeting as usual at the Hayward Serenity Alano Club. The Club Board President has agreed to allow all AA meetings to be held in the big room, allowing the recommended six-foot separation to keep the virus from spreading (social distancing as recommended by the CDC). Groups will pay the same rent that they would have paid for a smaller room.

Adhering to CDC guidelines, many facilities are closing their doors leaving groups without a location to meet. All nearby Alcoholic Anonymous groups that no longer have a meeting place are welcome to hold their meetings at the Alano Club.

Please call the District 12 Helpline, 715-934-3351, for details.

For information on AA’s response to the Covid-19 Coronavirus, go to Alcoholics Anonymous World Services.

Serenity Prayer